Private Karate lessons are a part of the faster paced program

for achieving advanced levels in your Martial Arts career. The

benefits of private lessons are huge! A single private lesson is

nearly equal to a weeks worth of regular class training.

The one-to-one attention to detail is the key to achieving your Martial Arts goals much more quickly.

You may choose a single-lesson option or a specialty series of lessons. Students who would like extra training prior to belt testing can benefit greatly from a single private lesson, used as a personal review of material. Students who travel or miss their regular class can also use it as a “make-up” class. Small group private training can benefit students as well! You may share a private lesson with a fellow student or friend. But, the best option for those wishing to learn as much as possible as quickly as possible is to attend regular private lessons with an instructor of your choice. Those sessions are available at both local locations with one or more instructors. Your class, your choices.

We are ready when you are. Come visit us and let the journey to a healthier you begin!   

Indian Land & Lancaster Locations:

Private Martial Arts Lessons:    Mon – Sat 8:00am-8:00pm by appointment

More Than Kicks & Punches